Meet Katherine Allen: The Animal Advocate With Moxy

Meet Katherine Allen: The Animal Advocate With Moxy

We'd like to take this opportunity to introduce you to an animal advocate with strong convictions who has been a friend and staunch supporter of Hope Animal Sanctuary and In Defense of Animals’ Justice for Animals Campaign. Katherine has been fighting for justice for cruelly treated animals for most of her life. While every animal advocate has a role and something to offer to the cause of protecting our fellow species from inhumane treatment and the degradation of their environment it certainly helps when that advocate has the moxy that gains respect and attention.

Katherine was featured in the Star-Herald in a 1969 article praising her for becoming the first woman pilot in Attala County, Mississippi. Katherine knows no boundaries, allowing none in her path to impede her journey. She was one of the early aviation pioneers for women in Mississippi.

Katherine and the multi-thousands of dedicated advocates that aid our campaigners with In Defense of Animals are making an astounding impact in the lives of animals all over the world. We thank you for your dedication.

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