Help Make Cruelty to Wild Animals a Felony in Mississippi!

Help Make Cruelty to Wild Animals a Felony in Mississippi!

This alert is no longer active, but here for reference. Animals still need your help.

Our Justice for Animals campaign recently received footage of a man encouraging his dogs to attack a downed deer, which is among one of many reports of cruelty to wild animals in Mississippi. Urge the Mississippi Department of Wildlife Fisheries and Parks to initiate legislation that would make cruelty to wild animals a felony.

Warning! Distressing Content

While the state's legislators have been in session for months and the period for introducing legislation has passed, it's not too early to begin lobbying for changes we want to see next year.

The video we received about the deer is maddening, which was posted by Peyton Penson with the caption, “Little live action for wreck it Ralf,” and we'll be following the case closely.

Tragically, incidents of setting fire to opossums and raccoons, and allowing dogs to attack downed animals are not uncommon. Our Justice for Animals campaign has seen too many of these cases.

In Defense of Animals

Sadly, evidence is often snatched when footage is shared online. The worst mistake made in documenting or intending to report these posts is to comment on the post. Please record what you see before it vanishes and be sure to get the site and the name of the individual posting the video.

More troubling is that cruelty to wild animals isn't dealt with as harshly as it is when animal companions are involved. It's time to change that.


What YOU Can Do — TODAY:



Letter to Decision Maker(s) for reference:

Subject: Legislation Needed to Curb the Torture of Wild Animals

I’m writing to ask you to initiate support for legislation that would make torturing wild animals a felony in Mississippi, similar to the current law criminalizing cruelty to animal companions.

In Defense of Animals’ Justice for Animals campaign, which is based in Winona, Mississippi continues to receive numerous reports of cruelty to wild animals, including sadistic cruelty to deer (siccing dogs on wounded or downed deer), burning opossums, raccoons, and other smaller mammals.

The nonprofit has been registered in the state since 1993 and works with law enforcement, the judicial system, and fellow rescues and shelters for the protection of animals, in addition to operating Hope Animal Sanctuary in Carroll County.

It and its many supporters are supporting tougher laws to crack down on the horrendous cruelty wild animals are subjected to, and hold perpetrators accountable. Protection for accepted hunting and fishing practices would be secured.

Justice for Animals Senior Campaigner Doll Stanley is prepared to share reports she has received and support this effort.

Thank you for your consideration of this important matter.


This alert is no longer active, but here for reference. Animals still need your help.