Tell Congress: Ban Cruel and Dangerous Mink Fur Farms
This alert is no longer active, but here for reference. Animals still need your help.
Not only is mink farming inherently inhumane, but it also poses a serious risk to public health and wild animals. Now, Congress has a historic opportunity to bring this industry to a long-overdue end in the U.S. by passing the Mink VIRUS Act. Urge your congressional representative to pass this important piece of legislation!

This mink's cagemate started to cannibalize this unfortunate animal due to the stressful conditions on mink farms.
On fur farms, mink are crammed into small, filthy wire cages, where their movements are severely restricted. They endure intense fear and stress as they wait to be bludgeoned, gassed, skinned alive, or anally electrocuted to death. They are also subjected to severe injuries and cannibalism from stressed cagemates, parasites, and diseases from the horrific conditions they are forced to live in.

Mink live in crowded, filthy conditions on fur farms leading to sickness and disease, and premature death.
These crowded environments create an ideal setting for pathogens. The wire cages are packed together and often stacked in levels so that waste falls on the animals below. Because these animals are highly stressed from miserable conditions, they are more susceptible to infection. Scientific studies reveal that mink are particularly high-risk for producing dangerous variants of respiratory diseases that are potentially transmissible to humans. The COVID-19 crisis exposed the undeniable truth that fur farming is a dangerous industry. Amidst the pandemic, mink fur farms around the world killed millions of infected mink in the most brutal methods to stop the transmission of the deadly disease to humans.
Now, a new bill in Congress aims to end the public health crisis caused by mink farming. Introduced by New York Rep. Adriano Espaillat, the Mink: Vectors for Infection Risk in the United States Act (Mink VIRUS Act, H.R. 3783), would phase out mink farming over one year and initiate a grant program that would reimburse mink farmers for the value of their farms so they have the ability to transition to another industry.

Mink are wild animals who become crazy from the stress of confinement, often twirling, pacing, and chewing at the wires of their prisons.
Fur trim or a fur coat can never justify the miserable lives and violent deaths of innocent mink and the continued threat to public health that mink farming causes. It's long past time to ban the extremely cruel and dangerous act of mink farming. Urge legislators to support the groundbreaking Mink VIRUS Act and end mink farming now.
Letter to Decision Maker(s) for reference:
Subject: Support H.R 3783 to End Cruel and Dangerous Mink Fur Farming
As an informed and hopeful constituent and one of over 250,000 In Defense of Animals supporters, I respectfully urge you to support the Mink: Vectors for Infection Risk in the United States (VIRUS) Act (H.R 3783) that would phase out this cruel and dangerous industry in the U.S. and help mink farmers transition out of it.
Mink raised in crowded, filthy conditions on fur farms are highly susceptible to COVID-19, other viruses, and dangerous pathogens. This creates a disastrous and deadly public health situation. Massive COVID-19 outbreaks were reported in countries worldwide, including Denmark, Sweden, Spain, Greece, Lithuania, Italy, France, Poland, Ireland, the Netherlands, Canada, and the United States.
The situation is dire and legislation is urgently needed to stop the horrific and dangerous farming of mink. Please support this crucial legislation that would end the torture of vulnerable animals and help prevent a public health crisis. Thank you for your attention to this critical situation.
This alert is no longer active, but here for reference. Animals still need your help.