California Residents: Protect Horses and Burros from Slaughter!

California Residents: Protect Horses and Burros from Slaughter!

This alert is no longer active, but here for reference. Animals still need your help.

California’s Proposition 6 outlawed the transportation of California horses to other states and countries for slaughter. However, through loopholes, non-compliance, and poor oversight, the state’s wild and domestic horses and burros continue to be sold to slaughter where they meet terrifying and horrific deaths.

To strengthen California’s anti-horse slaughter law, Assemblymember Todd Gloria (D-San Diego) introduced Assembly Bill 128. One of the significant provisions in the bill prohibits the sale of an equine below the current slaughter price of the animal. This crucial provision would completely stop “kill buyers” from purchasing and mercilessly slaughtering innocent animals to turn a profit. Wild horses and burros desperately need YOU to speak up for them today!

What YOU Can Do: 

This alert is no longer active, but here for reference. Animals still need your help.

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