COVID-19 Impedes Support for Wild Horses and Burros

COVID-19 Impedes Support for Wild Horses and Burros

As the COVID-19 pandemic spreads, many Americans are facing financial hardship. The United States government has passed a $2 trillion financial relief package to help citizens who are struggling, but who will step in to help animals? 

America’s wild horses and burros have been under attack for years by special interest groups that aim to remove herds from our public lands. Recently, these groups, comprised of ranchers and extractive industries, have influenced the U.S. Congress to pass a bill to allow the brutal roundup and removal – slaughter – of 45,000 wild horses and burros in the next three years. 

Small local wild horse advocacy groups are struggling to keep their fertility control programs going due to lack of funds. Sanctuaries have closed their doors to visitors, and volunteers who dedicate their much-needed time are unable to help due to coronavirus concerns. 

What will the diabolical Bureau of Land Management do with the 50,000 wild horses and burros currently trapped in its holding facilities, much less the thousands of miserable captives they plan to add? The Bureau continually tells us that it cannot afford to keep them, and the new financial relief package will likely become fuel for this claim. It is only a matter of time before it will claim that it will have to “euthanize” the wild horses because it cannot afford to keep them any longer in holding pens at taxpayer expense. 

We must do everything we can to protect these freedom-loving animals. If you have the ability to help during this challenging time, please consider making a donation so we can continue our important work to save America’s wild horses and burros.