Stamp Out the Backward Plan to Slaughter Horses

Stamp Out the Backward Plan to Slaughter Horses

This alert is no longer active, but here for reference. Animals still need your help.

It all comes down to this. We have just days to prevent the Bureau of Land Management from advancing its despicable agenda of horrifying helicopter roundups, barbaric sterilizations, inhumane incarceration, and ultimate untimely deaths of America’s wild horses and burros. Please take action for the horses and burros right away before the deadline closes and their fate is sealed.

In October, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will consider comments from the public about the devastating proposal called “The Path Forward.” If the BLM chooses this path, the blood of wild horses will run. The plan proposes stockpiling thousands more wild horses and burros in abhorrent holding facilities and will ultimately lead to mass horse slaughter.

In our previous alerts we asked you to contact Congress. Now, we must make our voices heard directly to the BLM Advisory Board to vehemently protest the shocking abuse of America's wild horses!

What YOU Can Do: 

This alert is no longer active, but here for reference. Animals still need your help.

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