Victory in the Senate for Wild Horses and Burros!
Late last week the Senate released its spending bill for Fiscal Year 2019 with protections still in place for America’s wild horses and burros! Previously, the House version of the spending bill had called for the mass sterilization – using brutal procedures - of our beloved herds. This is a moment to celebrate an important victory, but we must remain vigilant to make sure that the House language is not included in the final bill.
Thankfully, the Senate Appropriations Committee refused to include language in the House bill put forth by Republican Representative Chris Stewart of Utah. Representative Stewart managed to convince his colleagues on the House Appropriations Committee that the heinous procedure for mares and jennets known as ovariectomy via colpotomy, was the same as spaying dogs and cats. His deceitful maneuver belied the facts regarding this dangerous and often fatal sterilization method.
Thanks to you and other supporters who took action by calling and contacting your senators, we have achieved this victory in the Senate. The 16 members of the Interior Subcommittee drafted the spending bill and then all 31 senators on this list voted to approve it. All of them deserve a thank you because no one added any wild horse and burro unfriendly amendments and they all voted for the final good bill.
Congressional office staffers have told us they have been getting significant calls and letters on the subject, making our cause politically viable. Please thank as many senators as you are willing to call, but especially Interior Subcommittee Chairperson, Lisa Murkowski (R, AK) and Ranking Member, Tom Udall (D, NM). Our voices are making a difference!
We must now ensure that the House and Senate bills that will be worked into a final bill continues to protect wild horses and burros. We must continue to let our legislators know that the Bureau of Land Management is thwarting efforts for the humane management of our nation's herds by shutting down successful and cost-effective population control programs using the proven and safe fertility vaccine, PZP. Where they have been allowed, they do work!