Victory! Nomination of Wild Horse Hater Withdrawn from BLM!
Last month we alerted you to the outrageous and indefensible nomination of William Perry Pendley for Director of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). His track record of attacks on wild horses and burros, and the public lands upon which they live, is long and reprehensible. Now, thanks to you, his nomination has been withdrawn by the Department of the Interior (DOI).
Our call to action asked In Defense of Animals supporters like you to contact your legislators in Congress to ask them to reject Pendley’s nomination because he was unfit for the job. His past comments and actions were disqualifying for a position overseeing America’s public lands and the wild horses and burros who live upon them. Thanks to you and other advocates, enough pressure was put on the Trump administration and the DOI that this loathsome nomination is being withdrawn!
Sometimes animal advocates get discouraged when it appears they are not being listened to. This latest action shows that our voices can be heard and we can make a difference!
Thank you to all who took action for this outstanding victory. In Defense of Animals will not stop advocating for protections for America’s iconic wild horses and burros who are referenced in the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971 as “living symbols of the historic and pioneer spirit of the West.”
While we have you…
… we hope you will consider making a contribution in support of In Defense of Animals and our many life-saving campaigns and programs. While a public health catastrophe rages around us, our lifesaving animal rescue and animal advocacy for horses and other animals continues at a breakneck pace.
Our work would not be possible were it not for the generosity of our supporters. We are 100% donor-funded and we need support from caring people like you.
Every contribution, whether big or small is greatly appreciated. Support In Defense of Animals for as little as $5 a month - it only takes a minute: