Victory! University Pulls Out of Deadly Wild Horse Spay Procedure
Colorado State University (CSU) recently agreed to partner with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) on the Bureau’s proposed barbaric “spay study” on captured wild mares. Under pressure and advice from scientists and animal advocates, the University pulled out of the dreadful and unnecessary “study.”
CSU is a highly respected university with a top-notch veterinary program. The BLM somehow got the University to agree to participate in this ill-advised plan to study the efficacy, applicability and complication rate of spaying wild mares. The decision makers at the university must not have done their due diligence. If they had, they would have seen the horror behind the procedure, known as ovariectomy via colpotomy. This blind procedure, with the veterinarian’s arm up the mare’s vaginal cavity, rips out the ovaries by twisting, severing and pulling with a metal rod and chain called an ecraseur. It is considered so risky and dangerous to the animals involved, that it is not recommended for even tame domestic mares.
This brutal “research” was originally proposed in 2016, with Oregon State University as the participating partner. That prior plan was dropped when that university dropped out amid widespread public outrage. It was known at that time, and is known today, that in past “experiments” with this procedure, the mortality and complication rate is high. There is no reason or necessity to conduct another such savage “research” experiment.
We thank Colorado State University for coming to its senses and realizing that the nature of this proposal would have seriously damaged CSU’s outstanding reputation. However, we must remain vigilant because both the BLM and U.S. Representative Chris Stewart of Utah, are still trying to get sterilization as the preferred method for population control in wild horse and burro herds.
The Bureau is not giving up, and Rep. Stewart has put forth an amendment for wild horse and burro sterilization and convinced his colleagues in the House to vote for it because he claims it would be the same as spaying a domestic cat or dog! The Senate version has not included any such language, and continues to vote for protections. We must not allow this Stewart Amendment to get into the final Fiscal Year Budget!
Please help us fight this disgusting, deadly, and cruel procedure to prevent it from occurring in the future! You can help by making a donation.