WATCH: Wild Horse Herd Success Story

WATCH: Wild Horse Herd Success Story

Brutal wild horse roundups causing mayhem and death can be avoided! There are examples of wild herds being managed scientifically and humanely that can set precedent for other herd areas. One such example is the Spring Creek Basin herd in Colorado, a true success story showing what is possible in other areas.

TJ Holmes is a volunteer who works collaboratively with her exceptional local BLM staffers to keep the Spring Creek Basin herd genetically viable, healthy, and thriving in Colorado — without the “need” or threat of a roundup since she started her program in 2011. In fact, the BLM recently raised the number of horses for the herd’s Appropriate Management Level. Skeptics and doubters may try to find fault, but the success of this herd speaks for itself and we should celebrate it.