Act Now to Save the Endangered Species Act from Extinction
This alert is no longer active, but here for reference. Animals still need your help.
Imagine the world with no bald eagles, California condors, black-footed ferrets, grizzly bears, gray wolves, or whooping cranes. These and scores more endangered species were saved from the brink of extinction by the Endangered Species Act. For nearly 50 years this landmark legislation has protected and restored imperiled species across the U.S. But now the Endangered Species Act is itself endangered. Urge President Biden and Interior Secretary Haaland to act now to save America's best hope for wildlife and habitat protection.
The Endangered Species Act (ESA) has faced many battles over its lifetime on many fronts. But due to the dedication of hundreds of wildlife biologists and scientists, community and political leaders, it survived, enabling animals to survive and thrive, and generations of future humans to be able to enjoy the beauty and wonder of our natural world. Unfortunately, the attacks are ramping up in the halls of Congress.
As reported by the Center for Biological Diversity, in 2018, Sen. Steve Daines successfully passed the “Cottonwood” rider, which temporarily exempted the Forest Service from reassessing management plans after a species was listed.
Following that blow to the ESA, Sen. Daines introduced additional legislation to expand and make permanent this exemption and allow the Forest Service to ignore “any new information” — including new information about the climate crisis' threats to protected species. Recently, the Center for Biological Diversity filed a lawsuit to force President Biden to reveal internal documents that outline plans to weaken the ESA. The Biden administration has failed to release these documents detailing discussions between political officials, other agency staff, and members of Congress over potential legislation that could further gut the Endangered Species Act.
We are at a crossroads. As habitat loss, pollution, climate change, and resource depletion driven by ever-increasing human overpopulation continue unabated, species need our quick action to protect them from further deprivation. Our action now will determine whether 2023 will be a year to celebrate the 50th anniversary of this life-saving legislation, or if it will be the year it dies from being whittled away with amendments and riders that protect commercial interests such as drilling, mining, and logging.
America's great heritage species, the bison, the bald eagle, and the mighty grizzly bear, almost went extinct. Because of the courageous and persistent efforts of activists from every walk of life and extraordinary cooperation between leaders from different political persuasions, these iconic animals were saved. Now at this crucial point in time, with all the threats to wild animals, and plants, the ESA needs to be preserved and better funded, not depleted and weakened into impotency.
This alert is no longer active, but here for reference. Animals still need your help.