Urge Foster City to Dump Goose-Killing Plan This Year Too

Urge Foster City to Dump Goose-Killing Plan This Year Too

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The Council of Foster City, California is at it again! After we successfully stopped the goose massacre last year, councilmembers will vote on the fate of a hundred innocent geese and goslings. Despite public outcry, presentations on nonlethal alternatives, and offers of free landscape design from humane goose experts, the council will consider lethal options again this year. Help us urge Foster City to remove depredation from the goose mitigation plan for 2023!

On February 21, Foster City may approve $48,000 for Wildlife Innovations to perform an analysis of the environmental impacts of its Goose Population Management Plan to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). “Depredation” (killing) by "cervical dislocation” (neck-breaking) or “chemical” methods (gassing) is currently part of this cruel plan.

We are asking Foster City to choose a different contractor that does not include depredation or to have Wildlife Innovations take the depredation off the table. On top of the $48,000 that Wildlife Innovations requested for the CEQA analysis, it wants an additional $86,000 for depredation (a.k.a killing) geese in its current proposal.

In Defense of Animals

During goose “roundups,” families are separated, stuffed into crates, and forced to watch as their loved ones are brutally killed. Inflicting intense trauma on sentient beings is incredibly cruel and inhumane, especially since killing the geese doesn't work. New geese often return within a month because the short grass that attracted them remains. Habitat modifications, like riparian buffer zones around grassy areas, can successfully deter the geese and resolve concerns about goose poop.


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