California Residents: Don’t Let The Voter-Approved Habitat Conservation Fund Get Stolen From Wild Animals

California Residents: Don’t Let The Voter-Approved Habitat Conservation Fund Get Stolen From Wild Animals

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In 1990, lawmakers passed the California Wildlife Protection Act of 1990 (Prop 117), which established the Habitat Conservation Fund that has since seen $84 million going to important conservation projects throughout the state. Now, all of that could change as California lawmakers and the governor are considering a budget that would take away those funds.

The legislature and Gov. Gavin Newsom are posed to approve a budget that would strip away $45 million already allocated to the Habitat Conservation Fund (HCF), which has preserved habitat for cougars and funded crucial projects for habitat connectivity and conservation, including the Wallis Annenberg Wildlife Crossing, for over 30 years. Tell your legislators and Gavin Newsom to protect the HCF!

In Defense of Animals

The HCF is the only continuing source of funding for habitat conservation in California. The fund secures $30 million annually for crucial land preservation projects like preserving and restoring wild animal habitats.

The HCF has been the backbone of California's conservation success, enabling hundreds of projects that preserve the state's natural environment and biodiversity. In the face of a state budget deficit, it is imperative not to undermine this essential fund. Redirecting these funds would not only breach voter trust but also endanger over $120 million in potential future conservation funding.

As California grapples with important financial decisions, we must ensure the protection of the HCF. Your voice can make a difference. Urge your state senator, state assembly member, and the governor to honor the voters' mandate and sustain this critical funding for the benefit of California's wild animals and natural habitats.


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Letter to decision maker(s) for reference:

Subject: Protect The Habitat Conservation Fund

As a resident of California and a supporter of protecting and preserving our state’s wild habitats, I am writing to ask that you remove the current section of the State Budget proposal that would take away $45 million from the Habitat Conservation Fund.

This fund has been the backbone of California's conservation success, enabling hundreds of projects that preserve the state's natural environment and biodiversity. The Habitat Conservation Fund is the only continuing source of funding for habitat conservation in California and has preserved habitat for cougars and funded crucial projects for habitat connectivity and conservation, including the Wallis Annenberg Wildlife Crossing, for over 30 years. Moreover, it serves as a reliable and crucial funding source to help the state reach its goals outlined by the Climate Plan and 30x30 Initiative. It is imperative not to undermine this essential fund. 

Redirecting these funds would also breach voter trust. Proposition 117 was approved by voters in 1990 and explicitly prohibits these funds from being used for purposes other than the conservation and preservation of California’s natural spaces and wildlife. 

I urge you to oppose the current State Budget proposal seeking to revert $45 million from the Habitat Conservation Fund. I also urge you to reject any attempts to waive the requirement that $30 million annually be allocated to the Fund for habitat protection and conservation. Habitat preservation and restoration must remain a top priority for our state. 

Thank you for your careful consideration of this incredibly critical matter.


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