Make Wildlife Refuges True Refuges For Animals
This alert is no longer active, but here for reference. Animals still need your help.
The Refuge From Cruel Trapping Act would spare countless animals the excruciating pain of being caught in a trap on land that should be a safe haven for wild animals if passed into law. Urge your legislators to support this critical bill to protect wild animals from harm!

The Refuge From Cruel Trapping Act, or H.R. 5217, would amend the National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act of 1966 to outlaw the use of body-gripping traps such as leghold traps, snares, and kill-type traps. A “refuge” by definition is a place providing shelter and protection from danger and pursuit. It is long overdue for all designated Wildlife Refuges to live up to their name.
Neck snares, padded and unpadded steel-jawed leghold traps, and body-crushing traps like Conibears are indiscriminate. These traps not only intentionally endanger members of the species they target but also pose risks to humans, animal companions, and members of non-target species, including those already facing extinction.

Traps are some of the most cruel devices ever designed. They cause immense pain, trauma, and fear for the animals who are unsuspectingly caught in them. Once the spiky jaws of the traps have snapped onto their victims, the animals caught in leghold traps circle frantically, pulling and chewing at their caught limbs. Some animals chew off their own paws and legs entirely to escape. Their circling turns the ground into mud, causing the animals to become wet and often cold. This can become deadly on chillier nights.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service also took comments from the public regarding a proposal to restrict the use of traps through agency regulations. It is long overdue for trapping to end on lands that are protected to provide safe spaces for wild animal species to flourish.

Letter to Decision Maker(s) for reference:
Subject: Please Support the Refuge From Cruel Trapping Act
I am writing as one of your constituents to respectfully ask that you please support H.R. 5217, the Refuge From Cruel Trapping Act. This critical piece of legislation would ensure that our National Wildlife Refuge system remains a safe habitat for critical wild animal species.
A “refuge” by definition is a place providing shelter and protection from danger and pursuit. It is long overdue for all designated Wildlife Refuges to live up to their name. This Act would amend the National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act of 1966 to outlaw the use of body-gripping traps such as leghold traps, snares, and kill-type traps.
Neck snares, padded and unpadded steel-jawed leghold traps, and body-crushing traps like Conibears are indiscriminate. These traps not only intentionally main and endanger members of the species they target, but also pose risks to humans, animal companions, and members of non-target species, including those already facing extinction.
Traps are some of the most cruel devices ever created by humans. They cause immense pain, trauma, and fear for animals who are unsuspectingly caught in them. Once the spiky jaws of the traps have snapped onto their victims, the animals caught in leghold traps circle frantically, pulling and chewing at their caught limbs. Some animals chew off their own paws and legs entirely to escape. Their circling turns the ground into mud, causing the animals to become wet and often cold. This can become deadly on chillier nights.
Please support the Refuge From Cruel Trapping Act so that wild animal species may flourish on these lands far into the future. Thank you for your time and consideration on this important matter.
This alert is no longer active, but here for reference. Animals still need your help.