Save Vermont’s Beavers From Cruel Trapping
In Orange County, Vermont, a family of beavers has faced devastating trapping. Now, we have an opportunity to spare the survivors and put an end to beaver trapping in the area for good with the installation of a beaver flow device.
These are the beavers we are trying to save whose images were captured on a trailcam.
We have joined efforts with Vermont Wildlife Patrol to fund and install a beaver flow device that will not only protect this beaver family for generations to come, but will also serve as an example of success for other counties in Vermont and in other states across the country.
Beavers are the second most commonly trapped animal and are killed in an especially horrific way. Most beaver traps are set underwater, and kill beavers by eventually drowning them after painfully crushing their limbs in leghold or body gripping traps. Because these animals are adept at holding their breath for long periods of time, it can take them up to 9 excruciating minutes to die.
Skip Lysle is the founder of Beaver Deceivers, a company with the same name as the unique flow device it designed to stop beavers from damming and clogging culverts and that allows for water to continue to flow through an area, preventing flooding. Beaver deceivers are a long-term solution, and can last for decades with proper maintenance. These devices cost a total of $4000 to purchase and install. Meanwhile, the Vermont Department of Transportation wasted $13,000 in taxpayer money toward tearing out and destroying dams and supporting animal cruelty by lethally trapping beavers in this single location.
Beavers are most often trapped because of flooding that sometimes occurs as a result of beavers building their dams. In reality, beavers are integral to maintaining healthy ecosystems. Beavers help to create and maintain wetlands which have extreme ecological importance. Beaver deceiver devices allow beavers to remain in the area unharmed while also preventing flooding of roads and other human-created infrastructure.
We’re counting on you. We need your help to raise the $4,000 needed to install this beaver deceiver which will save the current beavers and their future generations in Orange County, Vermont. The funds will go directly to purchasing and installing this device and saving this deserving family of beavers. The hope is that by showcasing the success of this project, we will set an example for other towns that will choose to install deceivers to mitigate conflicts, sparing countless beaver lives.
We can’t do it alone and are grateful for whatever you can spare toward this unique and worthy project which will directly save lives. Thank you for your compassion.