California Residents: Urge Governor Newsom to Protect Birds, Bees, and Habitats!

California Residents: Urge Governor Newsom to Protect Birds, Bees, and Habitats!

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California is just one step away from banning one of the world's most destructive insecticides! Neonicotinoids pollute waterways and habitats and harm vulnerable bird and pollinator populations. Now is our chance to protect the state's birds, bees, and habitats. Urge Governor Newsom to pass this crucial bill today!

Neonicotinoids are pesticides that are closely related to nicotine and are designed to affect the nervous systems of insects. Neonicotinoids are the most commonly used insecticides in the country. A 2013 report titled The Impact of the Nation's Most Widely Used Insecticides on Birds indicated that “neonicotinoids are lethal to birds and to the aquatic systems on which they depend.” These dangerous chemicals cause birds to lose a significant percentage of body mass, decrease disease immunity, impair reproduction, and disrupt birds' ability to migrate. The assessment revealed that even small amounts of these chemicals are deadly to birds. Please take action to protect California's birds!

These chemicals also decimate insect populations, including bees who are crucial pollinators in the state's ecosystems. Plants uptake the pesticides from the soil, which then contaminates the plants' pollen and nectar - the food sources for bees. Without bees, many plants cannot reproduce. Neonicotinoids also pollute ground and surface water, jeopardizing surrounding ecosystems and wildlife.

If passed, AB 2146 would eliminate the use of neonicotinoid pesticides in outdoor areas such as lawns, parks, and home gardens, sparing a countless number of vulnerable birds, bees, and insects, as well as the state's ecosystems.


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