Victory: Arizona Bans Cruel Wildlife Killing Contests

Victory: Arizona Bans Cruel Wildlife Killing Contests

We’re thrilled to announce a major victory for wild animals in Arizona! The Arizona Game and Fish Commission voted unanimously to ban wildlife killing contests for predatory and furbearing species. In Defense of Animals and fellow allies on the National Coalition to End Wildlife Killing Contests advocated against these barbaric contests. Hundreds of coyotes, bobcats, cougars, foxes and other species will be spared each year thanks to this wonderful decision. 

Killing contests are inherently cruel and inhumane. Participants kill the greatest number, largest, or even the youngest animals for prizes and sadistic enjoyment. The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) admits that killing coyotes does not reduce their numbers. Instead, other coyotes move in from surrounding areas and breed faster, thereby increasing the population.

Our coalition is encouraged by this Arizona Game and Fish Commission decision to end the scientifically and ethically indefensible practice of wildlife killing contests in Arizona. Please support our work for hunted animals by making a donation.


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