Victory: Russian Tiger Returned Home Thanks to Your Help!
When we first shared the upsetting news that endangered Amur tigers were disappearing from Russian zoos, you took action by signing our letter to stop Russia from illegally trafficking these tigers to China.
From January through September, Amur tigress Taiga languished in substandard conditions at the zoo in Khabarovsk. She displayed uncharacteristically aggressive behavior and even lost a significant amount of weight.
Although the Euro-Asian Regional Association of Zoos and Aquariums (EARAZA) is responsible for preserving these rare cats, tragically, it is responsible for their illegal trafficking. We exposed a shocking scandal when we challenged EARAZA’s claim that Taiga had “low genetic ranking” when, in fact, her paperwork indicated perfect genetic ranking.
Upon receiving your letters, Khabarovsk Governor Mr. Furgal stopped Taiga’s shipment to another substandard zoo in Kazakhstan and transferred her “ownership” to the Primorsky Region. Thanks to our efforts and your support, Taiga was returned to her home in Primorsky Safari Park. She has since regained her health and peaceful demeanor as seen in this celebratory video.
Thank you for signing and sharing our alert. This victory would not be possible without you!
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