URGENT: Official National Park Service Comment Opportunity, Tear Down That Tule Elk Fence!

URGENT: Official National Park Service Comment Opportunity, Tear Down That Tule Elk Fence!

This alert is no longer active, but here for reference. Animals still need your help.

We're thrilled to announce your chance to officially tell the National Park Service (NPS) to dismantle the infamous elk-killing fence at Point Reyes National Seashore's Tule Elk “Reserve.” This 3-mile-long, 8-foot-tall fence is responsible for the death of 478 of these sensitive, vulnerable animals in the last ten years, with 224 of them dying horribly painful deaths in just the last two years.

The fence prevents the Tule elk, a rare, native species, from leaving their drought-ravaged 2,600-acre enclosure to access all 71,000 acres of Point Reyes National Seashore.

This artificial barrier doesn't belong in any national park unit. It exists only because private ranch owners have corrupted NPS policy and want to confine the 221 remaining Tule elk, comprising the park's largest of three Tule elk herds, inside the fenced “Reserve” at Tomales Point.

Meanwhile, a staggering 5,000 cattle in private meat and dairy operations leasing land in the park are the number one source of pollution of 28,000 acres of land, streams, and the Pacific Ocean, with millions of pounds of manure, urine, and atmospheric methane.

In Defense of Animals

Ranching at Point Reyes (as is sadly the case everywhere) is harming and killing wild animals, to squeeze profits from cattle ranching, an exploitative, dying, and deadly industry.

Precious little time remains to remove the fence before California's summer-autumn heatwave and drought returns — and more Tule elk will suffer and die. This is the brutal “management” the NPS has in store for Tule elk unless we can stop it!

What YOU Can Do — TODAY:



This alert is no longer active, but here for reference. Animals still need your help.