Join Tule Elk Town Hall #3 & Help the Elk!

Join Tule Elk Town Hall #3 & Help the Elk!

Tule elk are closer than ever to being freed from their fenced “Reserve” at Point Reyes National Seashore — and right now they can use your help one more time! Join our upcoming Tule Elk Town Hall to find out how you can get involved. 

The National Park Service has opened one final public comment period — so you can tell the agency, “Yes, take down the fence and free the elk already!  

Learn more about this public comment period, which ends June 5, and when the deadly elk “Reserve” fence is likely to finally come down — in part because of your participation.

In Defense of Animals’ Tule elk consultant and activist, Jack Gescheidt of The TreeSpirit Project, will bring you up to date, and show how you can help in just 5 minutes by submitting a public comment. 

You can also “Ask Jack” any Point Reyes Tule elk (or cattle ranching at Point Reyes) questions you may have. 

Join the herd of Point Reyes elk fans and supporters for this live, lively Zoom gathering — and help make Tule elk history! After 45 years of fenced confinement at Point Reyes, you can help finally free the Tule elk!

Who: Jack Gescheidt, In Defense of Animals’ Tule elk consultant and activist
What: Tule Elk Town Hall
When: May 23, 3:00 p.m. PT 
Where: Register on Zoom

You can also get a head start for the elk by submitting a public comment now, and learning more about the issue at our Tule Elk campaign.