No Dog Should Burn. EVER!

No Dog Should Burn. EVER!


No Dog Should Burn. EVER!

One sad day last September in Winona, Mississippi, resident Jonathan Thompson walked out to his back yard and set his dog on fire and burned him alive.

Thompson faced NO jail time for his despicable crime. NO probation. NO counseling.

Instead, a Mississippi trial judge was forced to follow some of the most lax animal cruelty laws in the nation, and let Thompson go for a fine of barely $300.

The nation, the world, and all of us at IDA demand answers.

The laws need to change, and existing laws need to be enforced! No dog should burn. Not now. Not EVER!

Today we are asking you to help make sweeping legislative change happen for animals in the Deep South with your kind donation of $10 or more to IDA’s all new Justice for Animals (IDA-JAC) Campaign.

Your contribution now to the new Justice for Animals Campaign will fund IDA’s work at the most grassroots, local level to stop crimes like the Winona dog burning tragedy. With her passion and powerful connections in the region, IDA’s own Doll Stanley – former director of Hope Animal Sanctuary – will take the lead on our Justice for Animals Campaign.

You’ll help Doll and her team to enlist judges and lawmakers to sponsor and support changes to municipal and local ordinances, one by one, until abusers like Jonathan Thompson get their due.

You’ll change the mindsets of future abusers through IDA-JAC’s planned programs at the high school and adult levels.

When crimes against animals happen, adequate laws MUST be in place, and enforced, so that justice can prevail!

PLEASE help bring stronger humane laws and justice for animals to the Deep South.

Give to IDA’s Justice for Animals Campaign today!