Get African Elephants Classified as Endangered Species
African elephants are currently listed as “threatened” under the Endangered Species Act, but the US Fish and Wildlife Service is considering uplisting them to “endangered,” which would help to dramatically increase their protection. The issue is open for public comments until May 16th to help determine if the change in status is appropriate and justifiable. It is up to us to speak out now for the elephants!
Endangered species status would help protect African elephants by largely prohibiting trophy hunting imports, as well as domestic and international trade and trafficking of elephant parts, including ivory. The US Fish and Wildlife Service first listed African elephants as “threatened” in 1978. Since that time there has been a nearly 60% decline in elephant populations, due to habitat loss, human-elephant conflict, trophy hunting, and poaching for the ivory trade. African elephants are dying faster than they are being born. The problem, and the solution, is in human hands.
What You Can Do:
This is your chance to let US Fish and Wildlife Service know that its action is critical for the protection of African elephants. The public comment period ends May 16th. Though we appreciate that this is an emotionally charged issue for many of us, the decision will be made “solely on the basis of the best scientific and commercial data available.” So we encourage you to keep comments factual and scientific-based.
Here is a sample comment. Please feel free to copy and paste this one, or to write something similar in your own words declaring your support for the uplisting to “endangered” status for critical protection of African elephants under the Endangered Species Act.
SUBJECT: Please Uplist the African Elephant to Endangered Status
The African elephant is critically endangered as threats to its survival continue to increase. Since the 1978 USFWS listing of the species as “threatened,” there has been a nearly 60% decline in elephant populations due to habitat loss, human elephant conflict, trophy hunting, and poaching for the ivory trade.
African elephants are dying faster than they are being born and are in critical need of federal protection. I strongly support the uplisting of African elephants to Endangered status under the ESA.
How to leave your comment with USFWS:
-”Copy” letter above
- Click here
- Click on the small “Comment Now” button up on top right of page
- and a box will appear for you to add your comment where you can “paste” in letter above and make any changes you wish. Below that box, add your first and last name and check whether or not you wish to provide contact information. If so, add it. Either way, click “Continue” to submit.
-Preview your comment and then click “Submit Comment” to submit your comment.
Congratulations! You’re done. Thanks so much for your help. Elephants need all the friends they can get. Please share this alert widely.