Great News For Wildlife From the State of Washington!

Great News For Wildlife From the State of Washington!

Washington residents vote to protect wildlife with the passage of ‘Washington Animal Trafficking Initiative’

Earlier this week, Initiative 1401 won in every county in Washington, with a statewide lead of 71 to 29 percent to protect wildlife from illegal trafficking.

The measure will “prohibit the purchase, sale, and distribution of products made from a list of 10 endangered animals being exploited to the point of potential extinction, and will be enforced by strong penalties. The animals protected by I-1401 include elephants, rhinos, lions, tigers, leopards, cheetahs, marine turtles, pangolins, sharks and rays”

This is a bold and crucial leap forward desperately needed to protect all wildlife from cruelty, exploitation and the very real threat of extinction.

Read more here.