Lion Killer Left Unscathed

Lion Killer Left Unscathed

Zimbabwe’s environment minister has recently announced that the American hunter responsible for Cecil the lion’s death, which occurred this past July, will not be charged.

Walter Palmer, the killer, commented on his actions stating, “If I had known this lion had a name and was important to the country or a study obviously I wouldn’t have taken it.”

Sorry, Walter. This comment doesn’t make your decision to kill an animal any more justifiable. All lions are important whether they have a name or not!

In response to the verdict, a spokesperson from LionAid stated that they weren’t surprised with the outcome because “After all, Walter Palmer was only one of many hundreds of trophy hunters before him who hunted at the thin edge of the law.”

So where does this heartless bloodshed stop? If not with Cecil, then when?

The first arrow that shot Cecil didn’t work, leaving the lion wounded for a whole day before being tracked and shot with a second arrow. What has happened to Cecil should be the case to stop all other cases!

Read more about the disgusting verdict and the killer, Walter Palmer here.