Meet IDA India's Very Own Dog Whisperer!

Meet IDA India's Very Own Dog Whisperer!


Pictured is the manager of our Deonar animal rescue center in India, Mr. Krishna Shenoy, with his rapt audience of adoring dogs. Every afternoon, we release the 105 dogs from their kennels to exercise and socialize (not including the dogs in our special blind unit!).

Once in a while, Krishna treats them to biscuits or other dog friendly foods. This is an activity that nobody else but Krishna is allowed to do because he has a kind of calming, respectful effect on the dogs. If anyone else tried the same thing, it would be mayhem! When Krishna gives treats to the dogs, not a single one barks, fights, or disturbs the others as he gives each and every one of the 105 dogs a treat from his hand. You can see in the photograph how they excitedly, but calmly wait for their turn. If anyone shows signs of wanting to push forward, Krishna just needs to make eye contact with the dog, and the one in question calms down immediately. Mind you, they will continue to wag their tails the entire time.

Krishna is our very own dog whisperer!

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