New Jersey Residents: Take Action for Elephants in Traveling Shows
Help Pass Nosey’s Law to END Traveling Elephant Performances in New Jersey!
New Jersey Senator Raymond J. Lesniak introduced Senate Bill 2508, Nosey’s Law in September. This bill would ensure that, “… no person shall use an elephant in a traveling animal act” in the State of New Jersey. It may come up for a vote in the New Jersey Senate as soon as October 20, 2016, and your senator needs to hear from you!
This bill is inspired by the tragic life of Nosey, also sometimes called Tiny or Peanut. She is a crippled elephant who is constantly dragged around the country, and forced to give rides or perform circus-style behaviors.
She has had to endure extreme cruelty with bullhooks, starvation, electric prods, and being chained so tightly that she could not lie down or move more than a few feet.
According to a 2004 USDA report, she was beaten in the dark with shovel handles and sledgehammers. The U.S. Department of Agriculture continues to renew Liebel’s operating license, even though her abusive “owner,” Hugo Liebel, has been cited for over 200 Animal Welfare Act violations . The USDA has consistently failed to protect Nosey and will not remove her from the torment of Hugo Liebel.
It’s time to end traveling elephant performances in New Jersey for good! Contact your New Jersey State Senator and encourage his or her support of Nosey’s Law, S2508.