Orphans Find Joy in Loving Friendships

Orphans Find Joy in Loving Friendships

Nyanga and Kanoa (aged 5 and 7 respectively) have lived at Sanaga-Yong Chimpanzee Rescue Center in Cameroon’s Mbargue Forest since they were both rescued by In Defense of Animals - Africa. This was soon after they were taken captive by the poachers who killed their mothers for bushmeat. Kanoa arrived in June of 2012, with Nyanga following closely behind in January of 2013.

Within their social group of nine at Sanaga-Yong, the two are good friends who love to roughhouse, laugh and share lots of hugs.Their group includes two adult and two adolescent females who were also orphaned and rescued as infants who grew up at Sanaga-Yong. They help nurture and provide comfort for the juveniles.

By providing permanent sanctuary for confiscated orphans as well as information and necessary technical assistance to authorities, IDA-Africa and SanagaYong Chimpanzee Rescue provide an essential component for law enforcement. Without a sanctuary for confiscated orphans, there can be no arrests, prosecutions or convictions of illegal traffickers.

Please donate to support our work for orphaned chimpanzees.

Photo courtesy of Director Sheri Speede

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