South Korea Passes Bill to Phase Out Animal Testing!

South Korea Passes Bill to Phase Out Animal Testing!


Earlier this month, the Korea National Assembly passed a bill to phase out animal testing for cosmetics by 2018! It is a wonderful step forward as South Korea now joins countries such as India, Israel and Brazil which have all taken steps to end cruel and unnecessary animal testing.

This initial step taken by South Korea focuses on finished products and ingredients, but unfortunately still allows for tests on imports. While continued progress needs to happen, we are hopeful that this is the first step to a complete ban. The European Union’s complete ban in 2013 began in just the same way, back in 2004.

Animals such as dogs, cats, rabbits, rats and mice endure extreme suffering throughout the world, all for the sake of cosmetics. Millions of animals experience severe torture such as being force-fed ingredients to determine toxicity and carcinogenicity and have chemicals repeatedly rubbed into their shaved skin or ears before being killed. Such experiments are not only cruel, but are completely unnecessary as they are often unreliable and humane alternatives already exist.

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