Stop Mass Dog Killings in Quetta

Stop Mass Dog Killings in Quetta


There are millions of stray dogs roaming the streets of the world. While many enjoy freedom and the care of humans, others struggle to survive and are often the target of extreme cruelty.

Such is the case with the murderous “culls” happening currently in Quetta, a city in Pakistan. Here, there is regular conflict between the canine and human citizens, putting both in jeopardy. When dog bites increase, the fear of rabies takes over and the call for mass killing of dogs goes out without question.

Sadly, the killing of stray dogs is not only the most inhumane method, but it is also the least effective solution for safeguarding the health and wellbeing of the human population.

The World Health Organization has long reported that the only proven method of managing stray dog populations and controlling the spread of rabies is through mass sterilization and vaccination programs where dogs are returned to their original territory. This allows for population control and group immunity.

Mass killing is nothing more than a reign of terror that does nothing for the long-term populations of dogs or human health. The dogs who survive will remain, unknown and unvaccinated, and will move into the now empty territories. This means that, no rabies control actually happens.

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