This is Not How the Story is Going to End

This is Not How the Story is Going to End


Thanks to those who have pledged to help with your donations and signed our alert to shut down the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center. If you have not yet signed our alert, please sign it here.

Plans are now underway to place undercover investigators in prime locations to gather more evidence to bring the hidden truths of factory farming and the horrors of slaughterhouses to the center stage. We now stand arm in arm with caring individuals around the world who demand change and are bravely speaking up for farmed animals who would otherwise suffer in silence.

The time to act is now! In addition to undercover investigations, IDA will soon launch a powerful education program with the Institute of Humane Education (IHE) and Lean and Green Kids (LGK) in U.S. schools and community groups to teach compassion for animals, critical thinking skills, and plant-based nutrition. IDA also plans to lobby major food providers and decision-makers to make plant-based options more readily available and convenient for the masses.

We’re poised to take these crucial steps to implement the change we want to see in the world. Join our efforts to expose the magnitude of hidden suffering and push for much needed solutions. Please make a tax-deductible donation today. Together, we can change the ending of this sad story!