It’s Time to Stop Yulin!

It’s Time to Stop Yulin!


Every year, thousands of dogs are  tortured and killed at the Yulin Dog Meat Festival. The mass butchering will begin next week, Tuesday June 21, 2016.

On Monday, In Defense of Animals joined forces with Care2 to rally to put an end to the Yulin Festival. Over 100 activists gathered in front of the San Francisco Chinese Consulate bearing signs protesting the cruel dog slaughter in China. he crowd’s passionate plea attracted support from passers-by who honked, gave thumbs up and cheers.

In addition to the 100+ humans attending the rally, there were numerous dogs at the event with their compassionate guardians. An activist shared her heartwarming story about her dog Toby who was rescued from South Korea last November.

Towards the end of the rally, activists gathered in front of the steps of the Chinese Consulate building chanting “No stolen pets. No dogs for slaughter”.

In Defense of Animals is proud to join activists from a range of different groups to send a strong call to stop the YulinDog Meat Festival..

Please take action for the animals butchered for our plates

Read the next article
Yulin Festival Dogs Remembered