Win a Prize for an Animal Activist

Win a Prize for an Animal Activist


Our first Activist Appreciation Month is in full swing!

Thanks to you, activist Kelly Lehman received 4,000 letters of appreciation for Valentine’s Day. Kelly was very grateful for each and every one, which sent her such a strong message of support and she told us, “That really means a lot. Thank you!”

Many of you shared the love with fellow activists by sharing our Valentine’s images on social media, sending a wave of appreciation through our community of animal advocates.

Now, we are holding In Defense of Animals Activist Awards to thank your nominees for their efforts to help animals!

Which members of your local activist group deserve a special Thank You? Nominate each of them, or another fellow activist, by sending their names and a sentence about each person saying why you selected them to

Nominees will be in a drawing to receive a number of gifts, including a Skype presentation with “The World Peace Diet” author Dr. Will Tuttle or Plant Peace Daily’s Rae Sikora, or a free coaching session from one of our eminent Animal Activist Mentor Line counselors.

Be quick! Entries must be received by noon on February 28 to be included in our drawing on February 29. Click here to see award details and contest terms and conditions.

After you’ve done that, why not join our monthly Animal Activist Online Support Group?  This free, confidential group is available to all animal activists, including everyone who advocates and cares for animals. This month we are learning strategies for when people don’t want to see or hear about animal cruelty.

Animal Activist Online Support Group discussions regularly address issues including burnout, self-care, compassion fatigue, anger, guilt, family issues, activist infighting, and more. Our discussions are led by experienced group therapist and Sustainable Activism Campaign Director, Lisa Levinson. Participate by phone, Smartphone, or computer on Thursday, February 25, 5:00 p.m. – 6 p.m. PST (8:00 p.m. – 9 p.m. EST).

Register Now!

Connect with other activists on our Facebook group.

The Animal Activist Online Support Group is part of In Defense of Animals’ Sustainable Activism Campaign, providing emotional and spiritual resources for animal activists. Find our Sustainable Activism tips, webinars, and event replays here.

Reach out for support with any issues related to your animal advocacy, and issues you face in your personal life, on our Animal Activist Mentor Line: 1(800) 705-0425 or