Brutal Shark Killing Contests Must End

Brutal Shark Killing Contests Must End


Every year, people turn out along the east coast to see sharks, but unfortunately not to watch these incredible animals in the wild. Many of these remarkable predators are brutally killed, strung up by their tails, and weighed. Their sadistic killers are not prosecuted, but instead are rewarded with prize money. Unbelievably, many of the animals who end up out of water and dripping in their own blood are also members of endangered or threatened species. It is time to end this disgusting tradition.

These fishing tournaments send a terrible message to future generations – that killing sharks is a type of sporting activity. Sharks and all ocean animals should be respected and admired instead of feared and brutalized.

While circle hooks can limit the amount of harm done to sharks and other marine life, other animals can be injured or killed in the process. Hooks, no matter what form they take, do harm to animals.

Even though it is impossible to know how many sharks are severely injured or die during the contests, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) shockingly considers shark fishing tournaments “sustainable.”

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