Tethered and Abandoned, Smokey Deserved Better and Got It

Tethered and Abandoned, Smokey Deserved Better and Got It

It’s a sad reality that sometimes people with animal companions are overcome with personal issues, which boil over into their ability to care for them. Often, intercession is the only hope. In Smokey’s case, his guardian’s struggles with substance abuse left her unable to properly care for either herself or him, but we were able to step in and ensure he was rescued.

After our Justice for Animals’ Campaign Director Doll Stanley made several attempts to intercede on Smokey’s behalf, she learned that his guardian had been evicted from the residence and had left him behind. Although the owner of the house provided food for Smokey, it was quickly discovered by ants, and the water she had left soon evaporated. 

The lengthy tether that bound Smokey also became entangled in the shrubbery below the porch of the residence, trapping Smokey in direct sun, and it was clear that he couldn’t be left like that.

Chief of Police Barry Greg was informed of Smokey’s plight and worked with Stanley to help him. After they moved Smokey to the safety of a large shade tree, gave him water, and cleared the area of debris, a seizure order was sought to free him.

Judge Larry Bamberg, a faithful champion of animals, signed the seizure order. In a short amount of time, Chief Greg and Stanley removed Smokey from the property where he’d once known love and care but had increasingly suffered from neglect and near hyperthermia as his guardian spiraled out of control.

Smokey’s guardian did not seek a hearing to get him back, and he was adopted by someone who now not only loves him but is able to appropriately care for him.

On November 30, Justice Court Judge Keith Stokes Roberts accepted his guardian’s guilty plea and In Defense of Animals’ recommendation for leniency. She was ordered to pay court costs and was prohibited from residing with, keeping, or working with animal companions for the five years that Mississippi’s Dog and Cat Pet Protection Law allows.

Stanley assured Smokey’s former guardian that he was in good hands, and she was grateful to us for helping him and for our compassion toward her.

To find out more about how to support our work in the Deep South and take action for animals in need, visit our Justice for Animals campaign.