We've Begun to Break the Chains!
How do we change the lives of thousands of innocent victims across an entire nation? One patient and determined step at a time.
As it is famously stated, "Rome wasn't built in a day." Thus, we should expect that it will take a little more than a day to pass a country-wide law. This, however, does not dissuade our vision of a United States where our canine companions can enjoy the very thing upon which our land was founded on... the concept of freedom! It just means that there's more work to do.
This past December, we took some exciting first steps on this journey toward canine liberty. We met with the El Dorado County Chief and two Sacramento County Animal Control officials in Sacramento, California to discuss the federal Break The Chains campaign.
All three listened intently to our vision, and were very willing to help us however possible. They agreed to assist us in formulating the most humane and enforceable master bill text, offering their experiences to include the most viable verbiage. In addition, an advocate sent a gold mine of a collection of glowing testimonial letters from Animal Control Officials from various states on the many benefits of having a ban on unattended tethering including the often "fall back solution" of pulley/runner systems, which have most of the same negative issues as regular chaining or tethering.
We wrapped up our meeting with high aspirations after being received with such enthusiasm and compassionate willingness to assist with this mission. With their support, we can present a bill to California legislators with confidence and authority first and then build on that success with an approach to our United States Congress. But the work is far from done.
You too can help, by loudly protesting against chaining injustice. Have you seen a dog chained? Do you know people who regularly traverse neighborhoods as part of their professions? Take our online survey here and share with others who can assist us in our mission. Speak up for animals, today, and let's build a better tomorrow.