Iceland: Stop Killing Whales

Iceland: Stop Killing Whales

This alert is no longer active, but here for reference. Animals still need your help.

Whales do not belong to anyone. They have the right to be alive, just as we do – the only difference is that their rights are not yet legally recognized. Unfortunately, one wealthy Icelandic man refuses to acknowledge this, and this year he will attempt to kill as many as he can. Your help is needed to stop him!

Kristjan Loftsson, a fisheries mogul who is reputedly the richest man in Iceland, plans to ruthlessly destroy the lives of 191 fin whales from a population estimated by the Icelandic government of being approximately 40,000. Though some claim that this population is not endangered, this number is vastly smaller than many human cities and towns around the world.  

Loftsson’s company, Hvalur, has a long history of killing whales. Iceland is one of three whaling nations (with Japan and Norway) that refuse to abide by the global moratorium set by the International Whaling Commission in 1985. Whales around Iceland were granted a reprieve in 2015 when Hvalur stopped whaling because Japan refused to import Iceland’s whale meat due to pollution concerns. Devastatingly, Loftsson plans to resume hunting fin whales in June. Iceland is the only country where it is legal to commercially hunt these whales.

Despite what is now understood about whales – that they have culture, and that they have the type of consciousness that gives rise to awareness and intelligence – Hvalur assumes the right to take the lives of fin whales, with no regard as to how they might feel about this. Western humanity has long assumed this right, but this is increasingly being called into question. Especially as vegan movements around the world continue to expand – clearly demonstrating that human beings do not need animal flesh to live – many are questioning whether humans’ interests and desire to make money are more important and valid than a whale’s right to remain alive.

Iceland needs to hear from concerned people like you so that it stops commercial whaling and begins to see whales for who they are - rather than quotas or stocks.

What YOU Can Do:

This alert is no longer active, but here for reference. Animals still need your help.

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