VIDEO: Why Do Miserable Animals Keep Producing in Poor Conditions?

VIDEO: Why Do Miserable Animals Keep Producing in Poor Conditions?

All animals, including humans, will remain productive in the direst of circumstances — whether drought, famine, or imprisonment.

Hens, for example, are starved for days or even weeks in a process called “forced molting,” which causes them to lay more eggs.

Farmed animals are selectively bred to produce unnaturally large amounts of milk, eggs and flesh — often too fast for their bodies to cope.

The use of growth stimulants is also common in the beef and dairy industry, in addition to the indiscriminate use of antibiotics so animals can survive disease and infections in dirty and overcrowded living conditions.

All of these factors ensure that animals keep producing no matter what.

For these animals, productivity means torture.

The next time you hear someone say or comment on social media that animals must be happy to be productive, please share this video!


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