Don't Let Deadly Distemper Outbreak Kill Dogs Across the Southern US

Don't Let Deadly Distemper Outbreak Kill Dogs Across the Southern US

On May 18th of this year, the Mississippi Department of Animal Health issued an emergency warning to notify citizens of the significant increase of incidences of the canine distemper virus in dogs and wild animals. The Department of Animal Health has tested more positive cases of canine distemper so far in 2017 than in all of 2016. The disease is spreading, and wreaking havoc quickly!

In response to the deadly distemper outbreak, we have partnered with several local veterinary hospitals to offer low cost, and in some cases, free vaccines, to families who could not otherwise afford them. The first round of vaccination clinics were held over the past two weekends, where hundreds of eligible dogs received the vaccine, with even more scheduled to come! Your donation today will fund our emergency vaccination clinics that offer this life saving treatment. We are counting on you. Time really is of the essence!

"We can stop the distemper outbreak if we act urgently to vaccinate our dogs... but we need your help," said Sharon Stone, Operations Manager of our Hope Animal Sanctuary. Please support this urgent, lifesaving appeal and end the spread of this lethal disease.

Distemper is a deadly and highly contagious disease with no known cure. Afflicted dogs endure weeks of vomiting, diarrhea, and in later stages; seizures, paralysis, and death. Distemper however, is easily prevented with a series of safe and reliable vaccines which will be offered during vaccination clinics provided by In Defense of Animals and our partners.

Your donation today will provide life-saving vaccines and halt this deadly epidemic!

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