Severe Storms in the South Have Left Many Animals in Desperate Need of Help

Severe Storms in the South Have Left Many Animals in Desperate Need of Help

As much of the South is hit with severe weather, many animals are left in desperate need of assistance. We’ve continued to receive heartbreaking pleas to help chained dogs, have scrambled to get to those who we can reach, and are advising compassionate residents to report chained and unsheltered dogs.

Doll Stanley, our Justice for Animals Campaign director, is on the ground in Mississippi working tirelessly to assist where she can. In just one day, she traveled through five counties, making a stop in court to advocate for a neglected dog who was left on a chain, and then to take dog houses to dogs who may yet be seized, but who need immediate relief in the meantime.

Dogs, and all other animals, shouldn’t be kept tethered or chained outdoors, but sadly, many people don’t report them until there’s a crisis like we’re seeing now. It’s a crushing emotional burden for our staff and volunteers to know there are animals who are suffering who could have been helped sooner who are unreachable now. It makes conditions even more treacherous for those who can intervene.

Our team has been iced in without any way to get to many animals who have been left to endure the sleet and snow, with more on the way.

While we’re doing our best to help every animal we can, we’re also working harder than ever in the Deep South to encourage people to bring them inside, where they should be living as part of the family.

For more on our work in the Deep South, check out our Justice for Animals and Break the Chains campaigns.