Tell Congress to Ban Cruel Cosmetics Testing on Animals in the United States!

Tell Congress to Ban Cruel Cosmetics Testing on Animals in the United States!

This alert is no longer active, but here for reference. Animals still need your help.

Animals have been the victims of cruel cosmetics testing for decades. Not only are the tests agonizing and inhumane, but they are also unnecessary due to the incredible scientific advancements made in recent years. Save animals from senseless suffering in labs by urging Congress to support the Humane Cosmetics Act of 2021!

The cosmetics industry has profited from the suffering of animals to ensure its upward growth in the consumer market. Inside these awful labs, small defenseless animals such as rats, mice, rabbits, and guinea pigs are confined in cages and subjected to horrific and painful experiments to test ingredients and finished cosmetic products.

Skin sensitization testing is done by rubbing test chemicals into animals' shaved skin, which may result in allergic reactions, painful burns and abrasions, and other adverse effects. Test chemicals may also be dropped into the animals' eyes, causing them intense pain, ulcers, bloody scabs, blurred vision, swollen eyelids, and potential blindness. After the torturous tests are complete, animals are then forcefully killed by neck-snapping, suffocation, or decapitation.

It is also important to note that animals do not respond to chemicals the same way humans do. A chemical or product that is deemed safe for animals may not be safe for human use. However, thousands of ingredients have already been determined to be safe for human use, making these cruel and ineffective tests on animals outdated and unnecessary.

What YOU Can Do — TODAY:



This alert is no longer active, but here for reference. Animals still need your help.