MEDIA RELEASE: Muscovy Ducks Killed In Largo Florida

MEDIA RELEASE: Muscovy Ducks Killed In Largo Florida

LARGO, Fla. (April 9, 2024)In Defense of Animals is raising the alarm on animal abuse in Largo, Florida. At least four, and possibly more than 10 Muscovy ducks and one pekin duck were shot in Teakwood Village. Concerned residents mounted a rescue mission to save the ducks and have joined In Defense of Animals’ National Goose Protection Coalition in search of answers and to stop the shooting. 

One disturbing incident captured on video surveillance reveals a male wielding a rifle and walking through the yard of a Teakwood Village residence. 


The attacker’s target was the Muscovy ducks who frequent the property. While the gunman fired at these ducks, families swam in the nearby community pool mere feet away. 

The gunman was allegedly hired by the owner of Teakwood Village.

“It is so tragic to think that the Teakwood Village owners immediately resorted to killing the Muscovy ducks who were beloved by this community,” says Katie Nolan, Wild Animals Campaign Specialist at In Defense of Animals. “These birds were shot in the head instead of given a chance to coexist or be relocated.”

Some of the residents, with the help of the local rescue, were able to capture and relocate a few of the survivors and give them a second chance at life. 

The gunman also aimed and took fire at the resident pekin ducks – beloved family companion animals who reside at the pond alongside the Muscovies. 

One of these ducks took cover under the porch of a nearby building and was later rushed to receive medical treatment by a resident and a member from a local bird rescue. The bird was shot three times, in the neck, beak, and wing. While he survived, he will never fly again.

“The careless negligence of the hired gunman who was unable to recognize his target is extremely concerning,” says Nolan. 

John Houle Jr., the owner of Teakwood Village, and his assistant have been accused of miscommunicating the situation to residents and exacerbating tensions, fueling demands for clarity and accountability. 

Residents of Teakwood Village as well as the Teakwood Mobile Home Association are frustrated and alarmed that they were not first notified of the situation despite the requirement to do so.

In Defense of Animals is calling for transparency from the owner of Teakwood Village as well as a commitment to use non-lethal methods only going forward.

“It was inappropriate for the owner of Teakwood Village to neglect informing residents of the situation and affording them the opportunity to voice their concerns,” said Nolan. “We are requesting that the owner of Teakwood provides transparency to community members and puts a non-lethal policy in place going forward.”

In Defense of Animals launched its National Goose Protection Coalition in 2019 to help concerned citizens stop roundups in their communities. Members of the public can find resources to help their communities implement effective, non-lethal, and humane goose management strategies at: 


### NOTES ###

Contact: Katie Nolan,, ‪(601) 207-0076‬

Images and Video:


In Defense of Animals is an international animal protection organization based in California with over 250,000 supporters and a 40-year history of fighting for animals, people, and the environment through education and campaigns as well as hands-on rescue facilities in California, India, South Korea, and rural Mississippi.

National Goose Protection Coalition is an affiliate coalition of In Defense of Animals consisting of individuals, advocacy groups, and organizations who unite to stop lethal goose roundups in our communities and beyond. When you contact us to resolve a goose-human conflict in your community, we will connect you with one of our expert mentors for free advice and training.


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