Help Save Wild Horses With D.C. Conference

Help Save Wild Horses With D.C. Conference

The U.S. government brutally rounds up thousands of wild horses and burros yearly under false pretenses. It has worsened since the "Path Forward" plan was developed by the National Cattlemen's Beef Association and other special interest groups a few years ago. Education and bringing awareness to the American public are crucial to stop the massacre of our nation’s wild herds.

Last year a grassroots group held the Save Our Wild Horses (SOWH) Conference in Washington, D.C. They brought in expert speakers with vast knowledge and experience to discuss advocacy issues regarding wild horses and burros and our government's onslaught on their herds. The Path Forward plan has allowed a vast increase in roundups which rip wild equid families apart and cause the death of many of them. The SOWH conference brought these travesties to the forefront for discussion, advocacy, and collaboration.

The second annual SOWH event will be held soon to again bring people together in a professional setting from all over the country. Participants will range from knowledgeable and experienced wild horse and burro advocates to those just learning about the issues who want to make a difference. The intent is to encourage organizations and individuals to work together as we fight to protect these cherished animals.

For people across the country, the SOWH Conference is an opportunity to come together in the nation's capital to address these critical issues. Expert speakers are on the schedule, including U.S. representatives. Also speaking will be In Defense of Animals' Wild Horse and Burro Senior Campaigner Ginger Fedak. 

The SOWH Conference will be held April 22 - 26. Saturday, April  22, will be a "Rally" on the National Mall. Wednesday, April 26, will be "Lobby Day," where participants will visit the offices of their Congressional legislators. If you cannot attend Lobby Day, all citizens who care about wild horses and burros are encouraged to make appointments or call their legislators that day.

Get more details about this year’s Save Our Wild Horses Conference. If you cannot attend the conference but would like to learn more about the inhumane and unfair situation wild horses are in so that you can help them, visit our Wild Horses campaign.