URGENT! Stop the Annihilation of Wild Horses in a National Park!

URGENT! Stop the Annihilation of Wild Horses in a National Park!

This alert is no longer active, but here for reference. Animals still need your help.

The historic herd of wild horses in Theodore Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota is under direct threat of complete removal. The park plans to eradicate this genetically unique herd of wild horses, beloved for years by park visitors and horse lovers. We must act now to stop the annihilation of this historic herd.


For decades, two United States government agencies, the Bureau of Land Management and the Forest Service, have worked to destroy America's wild horse and burro herds. Many of these horses and burros end up in horrifying situations, including the pipeline to slaughter. Now, the National Park Service has joined in that despicable activity to destroy our nation's native equine herds. It has devised a plan to remove all the wild horses in North Dakota's Theodore Roosevelt National Park (TRNP).

In Defense of Animals

We have studied all the issues with the proposed plan and what TRNP will and will not accept as input from the public comments. In our letter below, we have synopsized the most relevant points and included the references they require to allow consideration. The deadline for comments is January 31, 2023, so please sign our letter now!

In Defense of Animals


What YOU Can Do — TODAY:



This alert is no longer active, but here for reference. Animals still need your help.

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