WATCH: Learn About Brutal Wild Horse & Burro Roundups in Fireside Chat

WATCH: Learn About Brutal Wild Horse & Burro Roundups in Fireside Chat

On August 23, In Defense of Animals hosted a Fireside Chat to help our supporters learn what happens during brutal helicopter roundups of wild horses and burros and why. Many excellent questions arose during the presentation. People who love animals or at least care about their fair treatment cannot understand how and why these insidious roundups take place.

We often see many similar questions and comments on social media posts from people trying to learn about wild horse and burro issues, or they offer ideas on how to help. If you missed it, you may watch the interactive presentation answering many of these questions to find out the bogus reasons our government agencies give to “justify” their ruthless policies and how they try to hide their actions. You will also see how these heartless roundups are conducted.


Other comments and questions were entered into the Zoom chat box, and we needed more time to answer them all. Our additional responses can be found here to help understand these common questions and ideas.

Please consider making a donation to help and check out our Wild Horses and Burros campaign to find more updates and ways to help. Thank you for your support.