California Residents: Support The Poison-Free Wildlife Act
Victory! This alert made a difference for animals! Click to read more.
Anticoagulant rodenticides continue to show up in wild animal populations in California, from cougars and foxes to birds of prey. These deadly poisons make their way up the food chain after rodents who have ingested them are then consumed by predators. Rodenticides not only cruelly kill their intended mice and rat targets, but harm wild animals, animal companions, and humans too.
The Poison-Free Wildlife Act (AB 2552) will add the remaining first-generation anticoagulant rodenticides (FGARs) chlorophacinone and warfarin to the existing moratorium on rodenticides and provide extra protective measures for California's wild animals. Contact your senator to ask that they vote yes on AB 2552!
In 2020, the California state legislature passed AB 1788 which established the initial moratorium on second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides (SGARs). It then passed AB 1322, which added diphacinone to the existing list of banned rodenticides at the start of 2024. Now, AB 2552 will take the existing rodenticide ban in California a step further. The bill would add protections against the use of poisons in areas designated as wildlife habitats as well as allow for better enforcement to prevent the use and sale of these poisons.
Famous animal ambassadors like Flaco, New York City's Eurasian eagle owl, and California's own mountain lion P-22, were found with rodenticide in their systems, contributing to both of these beloved animals' deaths. Rodenticides have also sadly found their way into animal companions and human children as well.
Contact your one California senator today to ask that they please support AB 2552 to create a safer world for the state's wild animals.
Letter to Decision Maker(s) for reference:
Subject: Please Support AB 2552 to Protect Wildlife From Rodenticides
I am writing to you as one of your constituents to ask that you please support AB 2552 to add chlorophacinone and warfarin to the existing moratorium on rodenticides, allow for better enforcement to prevent the use and sale of these poisons, and provide additional protections for areas designated as wildlife habitat.
Studies have shown that rodenticides are appearing in California’s predators, including raptors, foxes, bobcats, and our beloved mountain lion P-22. Rodenticides are also a risk to children and animal companions.
You may have heard from opponents of this bill that passing this will be bad for public health, but the bill already has an exemption for both rodenticide use for public health and for agricultural purposes. Additionally, there are many other effective methods of managing rodent populations including sanitation, exclusion methods, and even fertility control.
In conclusion, please support AB 2552 to protect California’s wildlife and ecosystems for years to come.
Victory! This alert made a difference for animals! Click to read more.