MEDIA RELEASE: Urgent Call for Funds To Save Prairie Dogs From Bulldozers in Colorado

MEDIA RELEASE: Urgent Call for Funds To Save Prairie Dogs From Bulldozers in Colorado

CENTENNIAL, Colo. (Oct. 6, 2023)In Defense of Animals has joined Prairie Protection Colorado in calling on landowner Adam Hazlett, manager of Victory Investment Partners, and prospective buyer, Headwaters Group, to fund the relocation of a prairie dog colony at risk of being bulldozed. 

“We thank landowner, Mr. Hazlett for signing the permit allowing access to the land for the relocation of the prairie dogs and we now urge Hazlett, Victory Investment Partners, and the developer Headwaters Group to fund the relocation,” said Brittany Michelson, Campaign Specialist for Captive Animals at In Defense of Animals. “An ethical wildlife relocation company has started the complicated process and funding of $15,000 is needed. The landowner and developer stand to profit greatly from destroying the prairie dogs’ home and it is their responsibility to fund the relocation.” 

On July 14, 2023, a construction company bulldozed a colony of prairie dogs opposite Centennial Hospital, Centennial, to break ground for an office building. There were few survivors and local activists were prevented from saving them. These innocent animals were buried alive and torn apart by McCauley Constructors with the development company doing nothing to let Prairie Protection Colorado access the private land owned by Adam Hazlett of Victory Investment Partners to rescue them. Advocates who reached out to save the survivors were told that they could not access the private property. 

Hazlett is trying to sell the adjacent lot to Headwaters Group, which is seeking approval for a proposal to build a senior adult housing unit in Centennial. Headwaters Group also has the power and ability to fund the prairie dog relocation, or at least require that Hazlett do it as a condition of the sale.

Through an In Defense of Animals alert, more than 12,500 people have urged Hazlett as manager of Victory Investment Partners and agent of Blackhawk LLC, as well as prospective buyers Headwaters Group, to authorize and fund the relocation of the colony on the adjacent lot who would otherwise face the same fate as the colony that was bulldozed to death on July 14.

In response to the mounting pressure, Hazlett acquiesced and signed a permit to allow rescuer access to his land to start the relocation process. While he has now approved the relocation, Hazlett has failed to make good on his commitment to pay for the relocation of the survivors on the adjacent lot as he stated to Prairie Protection Colorado via email. Hazlett has since ignored a contract and multiple calls, emails, and texts from Prairie Protection Colorado

The relocation of a prairie dog colony involves multiple steps and weeks of time, resulting in $15,000. It is the responsibility of the landowner and developers whose land is home to wildlife to ensure that wild animals are not being destroyed by bulldozers.

“Adam Hazlett of Victory Investment Partners, and the Headwaters Group, have misled the citizens of Centennial and our organization about their intent to help save the remaining prairie dogs they attempted to bury during the horrendous destruction of their families and their habitat,” said Deanna Meyer, Executive Director of Prairie Protection Colorado. “After they made a statement that they would pay for the relocation of the survivors on the adjacent lot, they ignored the relocation company on multiple occasions once a contract was submitted to them. Because of our supporters, we are able to relocate them, but these developers have shown at every step of this process that they aren't concerned about the residents or the wildlife in Centennial.”

A company that ethically relocates prairie dogs has already begun the beginning steps of the relocation process, which first involves dusting the site. Moving them is a process that takes time and money. As well as urging Hazlett of Victory Investment Partners and Headwaters Group to fund the relocation of the colony who live on the land, In Defense of Animals and Prairie Protection Colorado are appealing for contingency funds. 

“Since Hazlett has not yet followed through on his promise to fund the prairie dog relocation, we are appealing to the good people of Centennial and animal advocates to help fund rescue costs for these prairie dogs right away,” said Brittany Michelson. “The need to relocate these gentle animals is urgent. Centennial should become known for its compassion instead of the horrific killing of wildlife.”

To make a donation, visit: 


### NOTES ###

All documentation, photos and information available upon request.


Fleur Dawes, In Defense of Animals, 415-879-6879,

Deanna Meyer, Executive Director of Prairie Protection Colorado, 720-487-8057, 


In Defense of Animals is an international animal protection organization based in Marin County, California, with over 250,000 supporters and a 40-year history of fighting for animals, people, and the environment through education and campaigns, as well as hands-on rescue facilities in India, South Korea, California, and rural Mississippi.

Prairie Protection Colorado advocates for prairie dogs by drawing attention to the mass exterminations of prairie dog colonies through organizing and resisting the destruction of these last remaining prairie communities. PPC organizes on the ground and works with grassroots advocates, local governments, the media and legal channels to cast a web of protection over the last remaining prairie dog colonies throughout Colorado's Front Range communities.


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