Montana Residents : Protect Wolves from Bloody Deaths and Extinction!
This alert is no longer active, but here for reference. Animals still need your help.
Trophy hunting in Montana continues to threaten the survival of wolves in the state. Gray wolves have long been the victims of merciless trophy hunters which contributes to their dwindling populations. Urgent action is needed to save these animals from violent deaths and possible extinction.
The trapping and hunting of wolves is horrifying and cruel. In the 1930s, gray wolves were hunted and poisoned until none remained in the state. With the introduction of the federal Endangered Species Act, wolves began to be reintroduced in the area. Tragically, federal protections were recently stripped from gray wolves in the lower 48 states, signaling an urgent need for state residents to take action to protect them in their states of residence. This bill has already passed in the Montana Senate. Urge your Montana state representative to vote NO on SB 314 today!
Innocent wolves are lured out, trapped, snared, or shot at long or close range by hunters. They suffer tremendously in traps as they wait for trappers to return to kill them. They struggle to free themselves from snares and may even attempt to chew off their limbs to do so. Due to the inaccuracy of hunters' gunshots, they may also suffer from bullet wounds and blood loss for prolonged periods in harsh conditions.
If passed, SB 314 would allow all but 15 breeding pairs of wolves (a male, female, and two pups) to be killed. Any individual with a wolf hunting or wolf trapping license would be allowed to kill an unlimited number of wolves. It would also allow bait to be used 30 feet from traps or snares, and would allow hunters to use artificial light and night vision to hunt wolves on private land at night. With only 850 wolves in the state, the SB 314 would cause immense suffering and would almost certainly lead to the extinction of gray wolves in the state.
This alert is no longer active, but here for reference. Animals still need your help.