Protect California’s Animal Companions from Wildfires!

Protect California’s Animal Companions from Wildfires!

This alert is no longer active, but here for reference. Animals still need your help.

In the wake of the most destructive wildfire season in California history, a new bill has been introduced to save household animals from harm in the future. Now, we need your help to urge California decision makers to save millions of animal companions from natural disasters.

With the omnipresent risk of wildfires, California residents in fire-prone areas are hopefully prepared and ready to execute their own evacuation plans; however, animal companions who are likely confined indoors, have been widely neglected in these plans.

As their guardians flee to safety, animals are left to suffer and die in their homes. Even in cases where guardians return to rescue them, the lack of a specific evacuation plan can have disastrous outcomes, not only for the animals involved but for their guardians and emergency personnel who put themselves in harm’s way to save them.

To ensure animals are safely relocated during wildfires, Assemblymember Monique Limón’s proposed bill, AB 486, would mandate that if a city or county requires a permit to keep an animal within its jurisdiction, the animal’s guardian must create and submit an animal wildfire evacuation plan to obtain the permit.

Currently, the California Animal Response Emergency System (CARES) is in place to help protect animals including those kept as companions, yet it consists of little more than a series of guidelines, resources, tips, and checklists, which are helpful only to guardians who are familiar with, and have access to these tools at the time of an emergency. AB 486 would ensure families have an established plan that includes the evacuation of their animals.

What YOU Can Do:

This alert is no longer active, but here for reference. Animals still need your help.

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