Save America’s Imperiled Wildlife Before It’s Too Late
This alert is no longer active, but here for reference. Unfortunately the bill was not passed. Animals still need your help.
The Recovering America's Wildlife Act is promising new legislation that would save the nation's wildlife from extinction by endowing state and tribal agencies with a permanent source of funding to conserve at-risk species of animals and plants for the first time. Urge Congress to pass this landmark bill to protect wildlife now.
At the same time, we want to point out that while this legislation could, if utilized properly, do a tremendous amount of good for ecosystems and wildlife that depend on these systems, it's vital that congress add an amendment to the bill that would protect the interests of wildlife advocates whose concerns are often ignored in favor of hunting and fishing interests. Therefore we strongly urge congress, before allotting any more funds to wildlife agencies, to ensure with an added amendment, that wildlife advocates and environmentalists' concerns are given at least as much weight so that these precious resources are protected and not just exploited for sporting and commercial interests.
Until now, state wildlife agencies have had a meager source of funding to support their efforts to save endangered and those species whose members are tragically shot for fees. With this bold new legislation, that funding will take a dramatic leap from a mere $70 million a year to $1.39 billion. Tribes will receive $97.5 million per year. Each state through its State Wildlife Action Plan will identify endangered species and work collaboratively to create specific scientifically sound protective and recovery plans. There are currently more than 12,000 species across the country in need of this added layer of permanent protection.
Individual animals and plants across hundreds of various wild species are suffering and dying from the devastating effects of the climate crisis, which includes the increasing phenomenon of severe weather events which can kill off huge numbers of any given species in a short period of time.
They also suffer from habitat loss as we are currently losing a football field's worth of nature every 30 seconds in the United States alone. The quality of their lives and the ability of their species to thrive are getting chronically worse as the US population continues to swell, increasing by 49 million since only 2001, to over 334 million in 2022, driving many species dangerously close to extinction. The decline has been rapid everywhere.
Diseases spread from imprisoned farmed animals and exotic species bred by the pet trade to wild animals, compounding the issue even further.
Finally, members of introduced species of animals can also be amazingly successful predators, causing severe declines in other animal species. However, this new legislation can help to change the direction away from further loss and move toward saving America's precious wildlife by restoring wetlands and by supporting the on-the-ground management of grasslands, forests, streams, and rivers.
However, this new legislation, with an added amendment to protect wildlife from being exploited for just hunting and fishing, can help to change the direction away from further loss and move toward saving America's precious wildlife by restoring wetlands and by supporting the on-the-ground management of grasslands, forests, streams, and rivers.
Wildlife advocacy organizations are calling this bill a game-changer and the most important conservation bill since the Endangered Species Act. If passed it will give a huge boost to conservation efforts around the nation. When implemented, it will save a wide variety of regional wildlife including birds, amphibians, mountain lions, fish, brown bears, and so many others, including plant species, many of whom are not currently protected by the Endangered Species Act. This legislation will concurrently amp up and strengthen protections for listed endangered species. Your quick action will provide the needed impetus to push this critical bill through the halls of Congress and out onto the fields and streams where the vital restoration work to save wildlife can begin.
This legislation will concurrently amp up and strengthen protections for listed endangered species. Your quick action will provide the needed impetus to push this critical bill with an added protective amendment through the halls of Congress and out onto the fields and streams where the vital restoration work to save wildlife can begin.
This alert is no longer active, but here for reference. Unfortunately the bill was not passed. Animals still need your help.