Brutal Canada Geese Roundup & Execution Planned in Savannah, Georgia
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Residents of Southbridge Subdivision in Savannah, Georgia, are being duped by their Homeowners Association (HOA), which plans to roundup and brutally kill Canada geese and goslings in this waterfront community. Many residents support coexistence and have suggested nonlethal wildlife conflict solutions, but the Southbridge HOA hasn't listened. Help us save Southbridge's Canada geese before it's too late!
Over 144 resident Canada geese and goslings were rounded up and killed from neighboring subdivisions last year. The unsuspecting, helpless geese were drugged, separated from their goslings, sequestered into cages, and hauled off to be brutally killed by the USDA's Wildlife Services animal killing division. Panicked birds are often gassed to death. This painful, excruciating process was not designed for geese, who feed for long periods underwater and fly at high altitudes where oxygen content is low.
Residents were horrified to find completely empty ponds after the roundup last year. As a result, many oppose the 2021 roundup and have voiced their concerns to the HOA Board. Interestingly, the Board's president is a major stockholder in the privately owned golf course, claiming geese are a “nuisance.” These migratory geese spend the summer in the subdivision's 50 ponds, including golf course ponds, to nest and raise their goslings.
Residents say these geese will leave the area after hunting season ends in the fall, but the roundup is scheduled for June/July when the adult geese who had goslings are molting and are unable to fly.
Volunteers are on standby to assist with nonlethal goose management education and training. However, the HOA has not approved these effective, humane methods and has also rejected resident pleas to rescind its five-year killing contract with the USDA, which receives funds from killing contracts with HOAs, golf courses, and community parks. Sadly, most residents don't know their HOA fees go toward killing wild animals.
This alert is no longer active, but here for reference. Click here to read about victory.